Posted in Communication, Family, Parenting, Relationships

For Dads: The Benefits of Dad’s Strong Bond with Baby

While they might not always get credit, dads play an essential role in families far beyond changing diapers and cooking dinner. Indeed, although moms are thought of as the “nurturers” who support a child’s social and emotional development, dads do quite more than what they’re given credit for. This may be especially true if mom suffers depression or anxiety. A small new study recently posted in Development and Psychopathology has found that when a mom is chronically depressed, a dad’s relationship with the child (or children) can compensate for potential negative effects on a little one’s social and emotional development.

Now, I will say that there are fathers out there who deny the child or want nothing to do with the child. That situation seems to be the main events on Maury, the Dr. Phil show, and a few other talk-shows that unfold a lot of drama. Personally, during my bed rest in my third trimester, Maury and Dr. Phil seem to be my addictions for my free time.

Back onto the topic; the fathers who deny their children or have no role in their child’s life make life on both the child and the mother much more difficult. It does without saying, not every family needs a father, but every child deserves to grow up with someone to look up to as, “dad”.

For some families, the situation is reversed. Some kids grow up with dad instead of mom. This has a similar effect on the child, and not all of their needs are met. Yes, they get food, support, love, and attention. What they lack is the nurturing feeling of a mother’s warmth. As a newborn, babies memorize their mother’s natural scent. Without that scent in their lives afterward, they will always feel an empty space in their hearts, even if they don’t even know it themselves.

And, like mom’s unconditional bond with baby, dad’s bond with the baby can lead to a stronger sense of protection and safety than with mom alone. Kids can grow up feeling unprotected and alone without a dad in their lives.



I am a new mom, married, and starting out in a new home for my new family.

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